Tuesday, 11 September 2012

September Sort It - Progress Report

I've been reminded that it might be about time to check in and see how my September Sort It list is going... I'm pretty happy that I've done 12 things so far (as it's the 12th here today), but not so happy to see that I've done all the easy/fun things first and most of the things I'm not so keen on are still left. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that though. Oh well, it's pretty cold here today so a good day to stay inside and cross a few more off!

I love that a few of the other blogs that are sorting themselves out this month have posted before and after photos - I haven't got any before photos of the ones I've already crossed off, but I think I'll run around and take some before photos now - it might motivate me a little to get them done!

I have been updating the list in my original September Sort It post as I go, but as of this morning this is what my list looks like - the pink entries are the ones that have been done. :)
  1. Clean all unnecessary items off of the kitchen bench. (This may need to be done a few times throughout the month based on how quickly stuff accumulates there!)
  2. Go through the Little Miss' closet & remove everything that is too small or that no longer gets worn.
  3. Clean out the 'baking' shelf in the pantry.
  4. Look for a new set of dishes to replace our old set.
  5. Tidy & organize the hair accessories (& other random stuff) shelf.
  6. Make space under my bed to store the Little Miss' Christmas present (she's getting a new bed - shhh it's a surprise!)
  7. List the kids' art easel on Trade Me (they NEVER use it & it takes up way too much space).
  8. Sort through my clothes & get rid of all the things I no longer wear.
  9. Update photos of the kids on Picasa.
  10. See the Living Cloaks exhibition at Te Papa. 
  11. Sew baskets for the pantry.
  12. Re-stock the freezer with baking for lunches.
  13. Get a new passport! (Not that I'm planning on going anywhere, but with most of my family overseas I figure it's best to always have a valid one in case of emergency.)
  14. Mend everything in the pile of clothes to be mended.
  15. Investigate class times for Yoga-Pilates classes and book in. 
  16. Sort through the cloth nappies & get rid of the ones that are no longer any good.
  17. Decide what to do for the Little Guy's 3rd birthday party. :)
  18. Sort through all the stuff being stored in the Little Guy's closet.
  19. Give the shower a really good scrub.
  20. Try to revive the sad, wilted potted flowers from the kitchen & re-plant out in the garden.
  21. Make more large storage baskets for the Little Miss' room.
  22. Make a list of who we're giving Christmas presents to this year.
  23. Plan out the Little Miss' Irish dancing dress (the real competition one - she's been practicing what to do at competition in class, so it won't be long now!)
  24. Choose new photos of the kids to replace the old ones in the lounge.
  25. Go shopping for clothes - for me, not the kids!!!
  26. Make a time to have a good catch up on Skype with my bestie in Canada.
  27. Weed the garden.
  28. Start weaning the Little Guy from using his soother during the day.
  29. Find more Thomas socks for the Little Guy.
  30. Actually take all of the excess clothes etc to the goodwill bins (or throw out those that are no longer good).


  1. Shannon!! You are doing so well!!!Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I'm at the point where I'm starting to need a little encouragement. ;) I started out with a bang and have kinda let it slip for the past few days... I love that you're taking photos, I've just taken a few 'before' photos - better late than never!

  2. WOOOOOOAH Look at all that pink - You are doing awesome - quick finish and come help me LOL. Hey what baskets are you sewing for the pantry ? I'd love to know I am intrigued! Tamar

    1. Thanks Tamar, the encouragement really helps! I was just thinking last night that I've been falling a bit slack after a great start, but this is the week!!! You can see the baskets I make on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LillyBelleCreations :)

  3. Your doing a great job!! I still have so much to do and also most of the yuckier jobs, but will keep going.
