Sunday 30 June 2013

Missing In Action

I'm a naughty blogger... I held off venturing into the blogging world for so long because I wasn't sure I could commit the time and effort required to keep a current & active blog. I know lots of other blogs don't have regular and/or frequent updates, but I enjoy following ones that do and hoped to be a fairly active blogger myself. I have come to realise that there are some times that I will have more availability to write about the stuff I've been doing/making and others when I have too much that needs doing to write about it.

I'm hoping that I'm coming into a period of time that I can write about some of the stuff I've been so busy doing over the last couple of months... Some of the things that have kept me busy recently are:

  • co-organising a quiz/auction night for the little guy's kindy (we raised $10,000! so I think my time on that was well spent),
  • creating and selling my Lilly-Belle creations at markets & through Facebook,
  • working on toilet training the little guy,
  • dancing - there's always lots of dancing, especially since the little guy started classes this term too,
  • the little miss's birthday party (you'll be seeing more about this one soon!),
  • and enjoying life in general.

So, just because I haven't been writing doesn't mean I haven't been making! I'll be back to start sharing my creations & experiences again soon...